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Refund Policy

Monthly Subscription Plans

  • If you have not utilized any resources for the current subscription, and

  • If the refund request is received within 7 days of your purchase date or subscription renewal date.

Annual Subscription Plans

  • If the refund request is received within 30 days of the purchase date or subscription renewal date.

  • If you have used any resources within the first 30 days following the purchase or renewal, you will be charged for one full month based on our regular monthly subscription plan pricing. The balance for the remaining 11 months will be refunded.

  • If you haven’t used any resources within the first 30 days following the purchase or renewal, you will be offered a full refund.

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. To prevent further charges, cancel your subscription plan before requesting a refund.

  2. Initiate the refund process by reaching out to our support team at

  3. Please note that beyond the specified timeframes mentioned above (7 days for monthly plans, 30 days for annual plans), we do not offer refunds.

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